We've updated our Hello Event Kits!
We’ve updated our Hello Event Kits with lower prices and a new component. Here’s a list of the changes:
A new exercise: For the past few months we’ve been testing a brand-new exercise that bridges the gap between having a conversation and taking solid next steps. It’s called “Question 33” and now we’re integrating it into our Event Kits.
Question 33 replaces our From Conversation to Action Guides as the next-steps tool in our kits. But, you can still buy From Conversation to Action Guides as a separate item. Note: Even with the additional cost of adding From Conversation to Action Guides, you’ll still pay less for our kits because…
Lower prices: We’ve lowered the prices on all of our kits and made our pricing simpler at the same time. Whether you buy the home version of Hello or any event kit, the price per player is $4.99. That’s a price drop of over 37% on our small kits! Shipping costs will no longer be included in the price of our kits (you’ll pay the actual shipping costs) but even with shipping, you’ll pay less with these lower prices.
Other changes: Rather than having a single rules sheet shared by every player at a table, we’re integrating the rules into each player’s notebook, so they’ll be able to take them home at the end of your event.