At age 12, Nazea was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. But this is not a story about cancer; it’s a story about a conversation. Like most people with a serious illness, Nazea thought about the possibility of dying. In fact, everyone around him — his family and his care team — was thinking about it. By playing My Gift of Grace (an earlier version of Hello) they realized that talking about dying opened up a conversation about living and led to better care and closer connections.
Stephan - Nazea's Dad
Family Dynamics
Alicia - Nazea's hospice nurse
Nazea's Conversation - Extended
Nazea's Conversation - Extended
Videography and editing for this video series was generously donated by Tymm Smith of No Sky Studios. Stellar photography was donated by Echard Wheeler.
Thanks to Nazea, Stephan, Darnella, Dr. Linda Pegram, and Alicia Miller for sharing their stories. Thanks to the dedicated staff of both Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters, and Edmarc Hospice for Children for their time and care in helping to produce these videos.
If you think watching these videos is a powerful experience, imagine spending the day with Nazea, his family, and his care team. We did, and we’re better people for it.— The Common Practice Team