
For ideas on how to invite people to play Hello with you, visit our getting started page.

Resources for talking about end of life issues

Taking time to read and think about life, death, and dying can help get you ready to play Hello.

Top pick: If you’re struggling to know what to say to a friend that is facing a serious diagnosis or loss of a loved one, we know of no better resource than the book There Is No Good Card For This by Kelsey Crowe and Emily McDowell.

Resources for Advance Care Planning

  • Advance Directives (US)
  • Healthcare Proxy forms vary by country and state. Search for “Healthcare Proxy” and your state or country for more info. 

Additional resources

These resources can help you continue the conversation and take steps toward better end of life planning.

Disclaimer of Liability: This information is provided as a public service. While some of the information on this site is about legal issues, it is not legal advice or legal representation. We make no warranty or guarantee of the accuracy or reliability of information contained herein or at other sources to which we refer. We assume no responsibility for any information, advice or services provided by service we reference.